Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Homosexual Adopting

OK, this is another issue that has been annoying me here lately.

I agree that homosexuality is a sin. G-d's Word is quite clear on this issue. But yet you must realize this is a political issue, not a religious one. I do not believe anyone truly needs that much convincing that in the US at least, there is a separation of church and state. You need more reasoning than "They live in sin!" to exclude gays from adopting children. . . VALID reasons and not gross over-generalizations such as they are child abusers or some inane crap like that (There are at least as many straight child abusers as gay child abusers).

So the gays live in sin? Does that mean we are to remove every child from every home that does not completely rely on the Word? Perhaps in a theocracy we could get away with it, but as far as politics and the government go, the constitution is a far more powerful device than the Bible.

I am all for evangelism and leading the world to G-d, but unless you can find a legal, constitutional reason to do something, QUIT shoving your beliefs upon areas that have no business intermingling with religion.

The only reason to keep gays from adopting is out of mass homophobia and hypocrisy. Rather than going and pointing out their sins and why they should not have children, get off the high horse and evaluate yourself and your own attitude.

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